Why Have My Dentures Become Uncomfortable?

Dentures replace the functionality and appearance of lost teeth. They’ve long been a popular option for people who have lost all of their teeth, partly because they don’t take long to make and can be fitted in a day without having to wait for several weeks or more, and secondly because they are less expensive than say, dental implants in Richmond. They do offer a quick fix solution for those patients who have lost their teeth but unfortunately removable dentures can cause more problems than solutions, long term.

dental implants in RichmondDentures are made by your dentist taking an impression of your teeth and gums and sending this off to the laboratory where your custom made dentures will be made especially for you. They’re designed to fit tightly against the gums and roof of your mouth and when they’re first fitted will offer a snug fit. However, as time goes by the wearer will notice that their dentures start to loosen and feel uncomfortable. They’ll find it difficult to stop them from moving around in their mouth, especially when talking and eating, and they may even fall right out. Your dentist will be able to adjust them, but after several years of adjustments, the only solution will be to replace them and start all over again.

So why do dentures become loose?

When a person loses a tooth they also lose the tooth root and it’s this which is used to stimulate the jawbone and the soft tissue and keep everything healthy and in working order. Unfortunately, when the tooth is lost the bone that held it in place begins to erode because there is no tooth root to stimulate it and generate new growth. As a result the gums also start to get thinner and begin to shrink, losing their hold on the dentures. Consequently the patient finds more and more dental adhesive is needed in an attempt to stop the dentures from slipping and sliding around.

Loose dentures can cause immense embarrassment for the wearer especially in social situations. They may find it difficult to speak clearly and eating becomes a real challenge. The individual may find that they stay away from social events and become withdrawn because of this. What’s more, moving dentures start to rub the gums and cause blisters and sore areas in the mouth which only adds to the misery. Denture problems like these are commonplace but fortunately there is a solution and it’s known as implant retained dentures. We can use as few as 4 to 6 dental implants placed strategically into the jawbone to anchor your dentures securely into place, taking away the worry of dentures that move unexpectedly. You’ll find that you can speak clearly and eat your favourite foods once more. The dentures can be snapped on and off for cleaning, and you can start enjoying life again.

If you’d like to know more about the dental implant in Richmond procedure for retaining dentures, then come and speak with Sheen Dental. We offer a free implant consultation which you can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or you can phone us direct on 020 8876 5277.