Why Healthy Teeth And Gums Are So Important To Dental Implants

If you’re looking for a solution to tooth loss then a dental implant in Richmond or elsewhere is a great choice. Unlike other types of cosmetic dentistry, implants stand on their own and don’t rely on neighbouring teeth for stability. This is what makes them the very best thing to natural teeth since they look, feel, and act in a very similar manner and are extremely durable.

dental implants in RichmondThe reason implants are so durable is that they mimic the complete structure of a natural tooth and that includes the tooth root. A titanium implant is placed into the jaw and over time this fuses with the bone surrounding it to become a stable and permanent fixture in the mouth on which to place a crown, bridge or denture.

Once that has happened this new ‘tooth root’ will be as strong as a birth tooth with the difference being that metal isn’t going to be open to infections. If you’ve lost a tooth due to infection then you’ll be pleased to learn of this fact.

Similarly the new tooth is not susceptible to infection either. Made from a ceramic material it looks totally natural and feels great but it won’t stain or get infections as a natural tooth would.

This is of paramount importance to people who not only want to improve their smile but also want to replace their teeth.

Patients become complacent

The trouble is that patients tend to think that because the implant isn’t at risk of becoming infected neither are the teeth around it. Unfortunately this is not the case. It’s still possible for bacteria to get trapped between the surrounding natural teeth and the implant. In addition things such as sugar, food particles and plaque can also pose threats to surrounding teeth and if good oral hygiene is not maintained then certain issues can arise. For patients to keep their mouth and teeth in good order then it is essential that they brush at least twice a day and floss on a daily basis.

We also recommend that patients visit their dentists at least twice a year for a professional tooth clean. This is necessary since a dentist can remove hardened plaque which is impossible to be removed at home by brushing alone. In addition the dentist can check for any early signs of infection and nip it in the bud before the condition worsens. Patients who fail to maintain good oral hygiene and professional tooth cleaning put themselves at risk of endangering their implants since even a simpler oral infection can spread, infect a tooth, and reach the roots. Once the roots become infected then there is a real danger of an abscess forming which can attack the jawbone. If this happens then it means the implants could lose their anchor with the bone and may weaken and fall out. If implants are to last then it’s vital that teeth and gums are kept healthy.

If you’re interested in getting dental implants in Richmond and would like to learn more, then why not give Sheen Dental a call on 020 8876 5277 to book a complimentary consultation. You may also care to visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/ where you’ll find a wealth of useful information.