Why Is A bone Graft Sometimes Necessary Before Dental Implants?

If you’ve been told you need a bone graft before getting a dental implant in Richmond then naturally you’re bound to feel apprehensive. However, let us assure you that this is a common practice and one that we carry out on a regular basis, so please don’t worry.

dental-implants-richmondA bone graft is necessary if the bone beneath the gums is not wide or tall enough, or if a tooth has been lost, and is either carried out during the placement of dental implants or before, to give them adequate support.

So why is bone lost?

The four most common reasons for bone loss are:

  • Tooth loss
  • Periodontal disease
  • Infection around a tooth
  • Enlargement of the sinus with age

Many times a surgeon will recommend that their patient has dental bone regeneration in order to achieve a more predictable outcome when placing dental implants. If a dental implant is to be successful then it must be placed in an area in the jaw where there is enough bone to secure it long term and give it the strength it needs to support a prosthetic crown or other dental device. Although most dental procedures incur a degree of pain, bone grafting is relatively painless.

Other reasons for dental bone grafting

The need for bone grafting varies from one individual case to another. Often there is no need for a bone graft and other times it can make all the difference between success or failure of the implant procedure. Often patients having all of their teeth extracted in order to benefit from the All-on-4 treatment, will have bone added to prevent food debris from collecting beneath their new teeth. Another reason for dental bone grafting is to restore facial support and structure which has diminished with bone loss, and that causes premature ageing as the face takes on a sunken appearance.

What exactly is dental bone grafting?

Dental bone grafting regenerates bone by placing a small amount of bone from the patient’s own body (or sometimes a bone substitute) on to the implant site which is eventually replaced by the body in order that it can support dental implants. The type of bone used is usually determined by the position, number of implants, and type that are required. It takes several months for the grafted bone to fuse and be replaced with new bone. In severe cases of bone loss, a patient may have to wait up to 9 months before the surgeon is prepared to place the dental implants.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and whether they’re a suitable match for you, then why not book a free consultation with Sheen Dental. You can contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or call us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.