Why Is Titanium Used To Make Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Richmond are the best way to replace missing teeth, and as they’re growing in popularity people are learning more about them. This modern method of tooth replacement has completely revolutionised the way that implant dentists can restore oral functionality to those patients who previously would have had no choice but a bridge or denture, which both have their own set of problems. Not only do dental implants look completely natural, but they’re incredibly durable and low maintenance too.

dental-implants-richmondThe reason that implants can last far longer than other methods of tooth restoration is because of their unique construction. They’re made from titanium which is a biocompatible metal which means that bone loves it, and fuses with it as if it were natural tissue. This is why it’s used to replace bones and joints in hips and knees as well as tooth roots in the gums.

What does a dental implant look like?

It’s a tiny post which looks quite a lot like a metal screw and it comes in different lengths and diameters depending on the patient’s needs and the type of prosthetic it will be supporting. Although implants have a screw like appearance, they actually function as tooth roots because they are surgically embedded into the jawbone and over time bond with the surrounding bone and gum tissue to become a permanent and stable fixture in the mouth. It’s this procedure which gives an implant its longevity and strength to support a prosthetic whether that be a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

What teeth can they replace?

A dental implant can replace any type of tooth and we’ve used them successfully to replace canines, molars, and incisors.

How will I know if dental implants are right for me?

Anyone who has lost one or more teeth is a potential candidate for a dental implant in Richmond. However the treatment isn’t suited to everyone as the procedure does rely on certain criteria such as a healthy mouth and good overall health. The best way to find out where you stand with dental implants is to come and speak with Sheen Dental at a free dental implant consultation. You’ll get to meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi who will give you an oral examination and discuss your medical history. You can also get your questions answered and find out more about the implant procedure. Why not call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book your consultation online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to welcoming you to Sheen Dental.