Why It May Be Necessary To Carry Out Bone Expansion And/Or A Bone Graft

If you’ve been considering getting a dental implant in Richmond or anywhere else in the country then it’s likely that you’ve read that one of the crucial factors for a successful dental implant is that osseointegration takes place. This is a natural process whereby the surrounding bone in and around the implant site bonds with the titanium implant to form a stable platform on which to place a prosthetic crown. For this process to take place it is essential that there is a good supply, both depth and width, of bone.

dental implants in RichmondWhen a tooth is lost, bone starts to resorb into the body since there is no tooth root to stimulate it, and as a result an individual looking to fill the gap with a dental implant may be told there is insufficient bone for the implant to be placed. The implant site can be strengthened using a number of techniques including bone expansion.This is an advanced form of surgical procedure which is used to enlarge the surface area of the implant site by expanding the walls of the bone which surrounds the site, such as in the front of the jaw.

This procedure is carried out by drilling a small hole through the centre of the relevant area and filling it with bone to give sufficient width and depth of bone so that osseoinegration can take place around the implant to ensure its stability. Depending on the amount of jaw bone, it may also be necessary to carry out a bone graft at the same time.

If your jaw bone is lacking or is soft then you may well need a bone graft before implant surgery. The reason for this is that chewing is a powerful act which exerts a great deal of pressure on your bone, and if it can’t give support to the implant, then there’s every chance of the implant failing. The bone graft will help create a more solid base for the implant.

Depending on the level of bone grafting required bone may be removed from your own body such as your jaw or your hip and transplanted to your jawbone. Other times a bone substitute material may be used. It can take up to nine months for the transplanted bone to generate enough new bone to support an implant. If you only require a small amount of bone grafting, then this can often be done at the same time as the implant surgery. Each case is judged on its individual merits and every one is different.

If you’re considering getting a dental implant in Richmond then come and speak to us at Sheen Dental. We’re widely experienced in placing dental implants and can help restore your smile. Give us a call today on 020 8876 5277 to book your complimentary consultation or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/ for more information.