Why It’s Necessary To Replace Any Missing Tooth

Dentists will always advise their patients to replace a missing tooth but this advice is often ignored especially if the missing tooth isn’t in a visible position. On the occasions that a tooth is replaced then from a patient’s perspective it’s more because of how it looks.

dental implants in RichmondDental implants in Richmond are one of the best ways of replacing a single tooth or multiple teeth but so as to avoid any complications then it’s best to get this done as soon as possible after extraction or tooth loss, and certainly no later than 6 months after the loss.

Why is it so important to replace a missing tooth?


The structure of your teeth is strong as long as all of them are in place. Teeth rely on the adjacent teeth to support them and once a tooth is lost then this support is lost. As a result teeth will start gravitating towards the gap in an attempt to fill it which can weaken them, or alternatively they may become misaligned and impact on your oral health and the appearance of your smile.

Loss of bone

Bone cells are kept healthy and alive by being stimulated by the tooth roots and by exerting pressure through biting and chewing. Once a tooth and its root is lost through extraction or injury, then over time the body starts to resorb the bone cells because it thinks the cells are no longer needed. This causes the bone to slowly shrink away, changing the shape of the jaw and in cases where multiple teeth are missing for some while, causing that hollow look which makes a person look far older than their years.

Aside from the obvious aesthetics, the effect of this bone loss can cause neighbouring teeth to weaken and eventually fall out and this can impact on a person looking to have dentures fitted, since there may not be sufficient bone to support them. Dentures can’t prevent bone loss, however, and as it continues to occur, the jaw will continue to change its shape which is the reason why dentures need regular adjustments to their fit.

There is a solution to bone loss and that is a dental implant. In Richmond at Sheen Dental we regularly replace missing teeth with implants which, because they’re surgically placed into the gum and fuse with the surrounding bone, put a halt to any further bone loss. Not only do they look totally natural but they act and feel just like real teeth.

If you’d like to learn more about dental implants and ascertain if they’re suitable for you, then why not take advantage of a free consultation with Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team. You can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or call us direct at 020 8876 5277.