Why It’s Wise Not To Wait Too Long To Have A Damaged Tooth Extracted

Unfortunately many patients face tooth extraction at some stage in their life, particularly as they advance in years. Although it’s a process which some patients dread, we work hard to ensure patient comfort as well as concentrating on the restoration of oral health should an extraction be necessary. Unfortunately a tooth which is broken or badly decayed can impact on the remaining teeth, so often to restore a patient’s oral hygiene, the best solution is to remove the affected tooth.

dental implants in RichmondTeeth are living structures, a bit like other parts of the human body, and occasionally the best solution so as not to compromise other areas of the mouth is extraction. Sometimes an accident can result in a tooth becoming chipped, cracked, or broken. In cases like these it’s impossible for us to restore or save the tooth because the degree of damage means that the internal structures of the tooth, such as the root canal and pulp chamber, are no longer able to provide the tooth with the vital material it needs to stay alive. In other instances, cavities that haven’t been treated may have compromised the tooth to such a degree that it has died.

When a patient needs to have a tooth extracted then it’s best to act quickly since a tooth that is badly decayed or damaged can cause the person a lot of pain. What’s more a tooth that is badly infected or damaged can affect the health of the jawbone and soft tissues.

Some patients may delay having a tooth extracted for fear of being left with an empty socket where the tooth once was. One of the most natural and increasingly popular methods of replacing an extracted tooth is with a dental implant. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental, we can often place the dental implant at the same time that the tooth is extracted, and thanks to CAT scans we can view a 3D image of your mouth and jawbone, and virtually plan the implant process prior to tooth extraction and surgery.

Dental implants are made from titanium and are the only sort of tooth replacement which actually replaces the entire structure of the tooth, including the tooth root. Once the titanium implant has fused with the surrounding bone and stabilised, we can then attach a man-made crown to it. Very natural looking and strong, it has the potential to last for a patient’s lifetime provided they treat it with care. Since it functions in the same way as a natural tooth, it can be treated the same way too. This means maintaining an oral hygiene routine consisting of brushing twice a day and flossing, as well as attending six monthly dental check-ups in order for the dentist to check the implant and make sure there are no gum or tooth issues which need addressing.

If you’re curious to find out more about dental implants in Richmond, then why not come and have a chat with us. We offer a free no-obligation consultation where we can talk you through the process and answer all of your questions. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or read more about implants on our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.