Why Opt For A Dental Implant When A Bridge Will Do?

The good news for many tooth loss sufferers is that when they visit an experienced dentist they have options open to them. For example, here at Sheen Dental we regularly place dental implants in Richmond patients and therefore it’s probable that we would recommend an implant or implants. However other dentists might suggest a bridge to fill in the gap. You probably already know that dental implants are initially expensive and do require a surgical procedure for fitting, so why would you opt for a dental implant when a bridge will do?

In order to answer this effectively it’s important that we talk a little about the procedures themselves.

dental implants in RichmondFirstly in order to plug a gap of just one tooth a dental crown filling that gap needs a framework that’s supported by the two adjacent teeth either side of the space. The problem is that in order for them to accommodate the framework, these otherwise healthy teeth need to be ground down to a point. The issue is then that you have two formerly healthy teeth which have now been radically altered making them susceptible to decay. When you weigh it up, it isn’t really the most effective way of preserving teeth.

Conversely for those opting for a dental implant in Richmond, they’ll find the procedure completely different. The only real similarity between the procedures are the end result (eg, you’ll have the gap that’s now filled with a life-like prosthetic tooth). However this is where the similarities end. Instead a dental implant is secured down into the jawbone and over time it forms a super strong platform. Once the titanium platform is stabilised the crown is attached giving you a new tooth. Because an implant is a stand-alone process it doesn’t necessitate the use of restructuring adjacent teeth so no more teeth are put at risk of decay.

But there’s more….

For gaps of two or more teeth it’s also possible to use an implant retained bridge This is when an implant is inserted directly into the first gap as normal and from this a framework is used to support an ordinary crown to fill the remaining gap. The advantages of implant supported bridges are that firstly, it’s quicker surgery as only one implant is needed. Secondly no other teeth are damaged.

Knowing what you now know, it’s no wonder then that more and more people are realising the potential of implant surgery. To find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can help you why not check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you can find a wealth of information. Alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed decision about your dental future.