Why Seniors Have To Take Extra Care Of Their Teeth

It’s fair to say that a great number of patients who visit our clinic asking about dental implants in Richmond are of an older age. This is because certain dental health problems that lead to missing teeth are more common in people over the age of 65. They include the following…

Tooth decay

dental implants in RichmondPlaque bacteria is the main cause of tooth decay and with a culmination of more crowns and fillings to clean around, limited dexterity, a softer diet and a dry mouth, tooth decay can and does strike most in senior citizens.

Shrinking gums

Certain medications that many older people take can cause the gums to swell and bleed. This in turn can make it more difficult to removal any residual plaque. If not dealt with, any plaque that remains can start to build up and attack the gum and bone tissue (periodontal disease) eventually causing gum shrinkage. When the gum shrinks it pulls away from the tooth root exposing it to increased sensitivity and damage.

Dry mouth

This is a common problem among elder people and could be down to medications and/or certain medical disorders such as radiation treatment. Saliva is necessary to help wash away any residual plaque bacteria so when it’s not available it means that bacteria can thrive easier resulting in a greater chance of tooth decay or cavities. If you do suffer with a dry mouth, then your dentist should be able to recommend several methods to restore moisture to the mouth.

Denture issues

For those who already wear a partial or full denture it can cause excess wear and tear on their gum line when it starts to slip and slide in the mouth. This exacerbates the gum shrinkage that occurs naturally when natural teeth are lost. In addition an ill-fitting denture may mean that the wearer might have to adopt a softer food diet therefore not giving the teeth the stimulation they need to remain healthy and consequently subjecting them to possible future teeth problems.

If as a senior you do have teeth problems that result in damaged or missing teeth it really pays to come and talk to us about dental implants in Richmond. They’re the only permanent solution to missing teeth that can also prevent further bone loss. Unlike conventional dentures they’re easy to maintain and they don’t need to be removed at any time. What’s more they have been known to last up to 4 times as long as a conventional denture, so as a long-term investment in your dental health, they can represent a considerable saving.

To find out more book yourself a free, no obligation consultation. To make an appointment either visit the booking form on our website at www.sheendetalimplants.co.uk or alternatively, phone us direct on 020 8876 5277 today and start the ball rolling towards restoring your great looking, healthy smile.