Why You Need To Get Dental Implants In Richmond Soon

When you lose your teeth you’ll notice several things happen. The most obvious is the change in the appearance of your smile. With teeth missing, it will look unhealthy and unattractive. You may also find that your speech is affected, since just one missing tooth can make it difficult to pronounce certain letters and words. As a result you may well find that your confidence levels take a nose dive because of the embarrassment caused by missing teeth and mumbled speech.

dental implants in RichmondSo what’s the big deal with dental implants? Why is there a need to get them soon? Dental implants mimic the actions of the tooth root, that disappears along with the missing natural tooth, and will continue to stimulate the jaw bone to prevent any erosion of the jaw. They’ll also form a stable platform upon which a dental crown can be attached to replace the visible part of the tooth above the gum. Since dental crowns are made from porcelain they can be colour matched to your remaining teeth for a seamless finish, giving an attractive and complete smile once more.

Dental implants are placed into the jawbone during a short surgical process and once fitted are left to bond with the surrounding bone and gum tissue. Once this has happened they are then capped with a dental crown, in the case of a single missing tooth, or a dental bridge if the patient has several consecutive teeth missing. They can also be used to secure dentures in patients who have lost all of their teeth. Typically a denture wearer finds that their dentures start to lose their good fit (as bone loss occurs when teeth are lost) and over time this alters the shape of the jaw bone. The great thing about implants is that they put a halt to bone loss and even regenerate new growth. This is a godsend to people who in the past have suffered from loose dentures.

However if you put off replacing a missing tooth then bone loss will take effect and may mean that you don’t have sufficient bone in which to place a dental implant. Often this can be remedied with a bone graft or sinus lift, but it all adds to the cost and time scale of treatment. So, you can see why it’s important to get a dental implant in Richmond as soon as possible after suffering tooth loss.

If you’re looking to restore your smile then dental implants can help. Why not give Sheen dental a call on 020 8876 5277 to book a free consultation where you can get all your questions answered and ascertain if you’re a good fit for dental implant treatment. Alternatively you can read more information and book an appointment online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.