Will My Dental Implants Last A Lifetime?

Dental implants in Richmond are generally stronger and more durable than other methods of tooth replacement like dentures and bridges and, provided the conditions were right for placement and the patient takes good care of them, they have the potential to last a patient’s lifetime. However, like any surgery it’s important to take into account that there are no guarantees of extended long-term results.

dental implants in RichmondIn order for a dental implant to stand any chance of success it needs to be placed into a healthy mouth which has a good volume of bone and gum tissue in the area to support the implant after placement. Once an implant has been placed a period of healing follows during which time the surrounding bone grows over the surface of the titanium implant to form a bond. This process provides stability to the implant, makes it a permanent fixture in the mouth, and gives it the strength needed to support a dental crown.

However, if there isn’t sufficient bone or the implant is placed at the wrong angle, then it’s likely that the implant will fail. If your tooth or teeth have been missing a while and you’ve lost a lot of bone then your dentist is going to turn you down as an immediate candidate for dental implant treatment. However, the situation may be resolved with the aid of a bone graft. This builds up the volume of the bone and, once the bone graft has healed with the surrounding bone, then there will be sufficient bone in which to go ahead and place an implant.

Successful osseointegration isn’t the only factor affecting the longevity of a dental implant in Richmond, however. Should gum disease occur and advance then it can attack the gum surrounding the dental implant and undermine the bone supporting it. This puts the implant at severe risk of losing its grip with the bone and of loosening or falling out altogether. This is why it’s so important that patients maintain a high level of oral hygiene at home and follow up with regular visits to their dentist. Prevention of gum disease can greatly contribute to the longevity for your dental implants.

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then you need to be committed to its maintenance FOREVER or face the possible loss of your implant within weeks, months, or even years following its placement. If you’d like to find out more about dental implants and indeed whether you’re a suitable candidate or not, then we offer a free consultation which you can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or you can call us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.