Win friends And Influence People With A Perfect Smile

Many people who undergo dental implants in Richmond state that since having their new teeth it’s really made a difference to their lives. You might be forgiven for thinking that this is just a throw away statement that some post implant patients make, but the fact is that there is does seem to be an element of truth in it. Let’s take a closer look.

dental implants richmondA survey carried out recently by Align Technology concluded that those people who possess a great looking smile tend to be more popular, more social, more healthy, and above all more happy than those who don’t, but why is this? Here are 4 reasons that just might shed some light on it.

Smiling makes you more attractive

Ever wonder why we’re always asked to say ‘cheese’ in photos? Because a smile makes us appear more attractive. According to the American Association Of Cosmetic Dentistry 96% of adults believe a smile makes a person more appealing. So if you’re currently putting up your profile on one of those dating websites, don’t forget to smile, it will work wonders. Also, just to add one valid point. Why do you think everybody hates their passport photo? It may have something to do with the lack of a smile.

A perfect smile can open doors

A smile can give a feeling of confidence, assurance, and trust. It is in fact everything you need to nail that all important job and that’s even before you begin to speak. A great looking smile is one of life’s endearing qualities and has the ability to create an instant connection or warmth, all of which can open many doors.

Smiling is genuinely better for you

When we smile, it’s infectious and when this happens amongst a group of friends it can lead to laughter. Not only does laughter burn work the abs and burn calories, it also lowers sugar levels, helps blood flow, reduces stress, and improves sleep, all of which helps boost the body’s immune system.

A great looking smile breeds confidence

Have you ever been around a person with a great looking smile and noticed the confident aura they project. The fact is that a perfect smile breeds confidence and can even help a person negotiate situations which others would find difficult or stressful.

So you see, having the perfect smile really can win friends, influence people, and most importantly, change lives.

If you’ve experienced missing teeth and are longing to restore that great looking smile, then why not talk to us about undergoing dental implants in Richmond. To make an appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 and take the first step towards changing your life for the better.