CT Scan in Richmond

I can't imagine going anywhere else
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One of the many technological advances that has emerged in dentistry in recent years is precision imagery in the form of three dimensional x-rays, also known as CT scans. The more accurate the devices used for diagnosis are, the more successful the treatment outcomes. We are proud to use this technology at our practice because it allows us to offer the highest level of clinical care to our patients.

CT Scan

The main advantage of CT scanning machines is that they only produce a low dose of radiation while taking a very detailed and precise x-ray of your mouth area. These digital images are then uploaded to a software programme that is used to plan treatments for patients who require dental implants and other types of advanced oral surgery. Since the images are of such a high quality, surgery can be planned virtually by pinpointing three-dimensionally where implants are to be placed, ensuring accuracy when it comes to the procedure itself. The foundation of successful implant dentistry is the use of the best diagnostic tools available, and CT scanning represents the gold standard for dental imaging.

Contact the practice today if you have any questions about treatment.

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With one of our treatment co-ordinators

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